Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Favorite place to eat!

Steven says that he doesn't even feel the earthquakes any more.  He loves his bike. He says they ride about 15 miles or so a day.  They ride the train  a lot, too.  He wants quick and easy recipes.  They don't have an oven in their apartment but have received permission to bake at the church.  

He loves meeting the people there.  He gets frustrated easily because he feels he cannot speak the language well enough.  I remind him that he has been there 3 weeks!  It will come!  Soon he will forget that it was ever hard to communicate.  

He was excited the other day when he saw a man walking a black pug!  It reminded him of our black pug, Frodo.  

some food that he likes....

He says this is NOT so good.  It has no taste.  He doesn't know what it is, but had to try it.
Looks like tofu to me!

First baptism....

Elder Williams, Elder Ahuna,  Nanogaki San (just baptized),  President Yamashita, Sister Yamashita, Sister Moore, Sister Walsh.  February 22, 2014.  This was a wonderful day for all!

We are here!

Elder Williams and Elder Ahuna are companions in Ichinomiya, Japan. (ee-chee-NAW-mee-ah).  He loves it!  

Elder Williams' first day in Japan....

Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!  This is Elder Williams fist day in Nagoya....February 12,2014.  Snow seems to follow him!  He loves it!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Ichinomiya Japan

Elder Williams is in Ichinomiya, Japan.  He has 155 missionaries in his mission....Japan Nagoya.  He says the country is beautiful.  He lives in a city and rides the train or his bike everywhere.  For their zone meetings they ride the train for an hour to Fukutoku.  His companion is Elder Ahuna, from Hawaii.  He has 4 months remaining on his mission.  Steven says he is an awesome trainer.  He is learning so much from him.  He says that Elder Ahuna is a fire dancer.  The food in Japan is awesome!  Steven says that he now knows what manna the Children of Israel ate while in the wilderness!  It was nan.  He says it is the most delicious bread he has ever had.  All the food he has eaten so far has been amazing.  I think he may gain his 24 pounds he lost at the MTC back.....soon!  There are two sister missionaries in his area as well.  They are both from Utah.  He did not give any names, but they live in the apartment above the elders.  Their apartments are right across the street from the church.  He says it is about 30 feet from the front door!  He had a wonderful time his first Sunday.  He got to speak and he LOVED meeting all the people there.  He said they are so very nice.  He and his companion are very, very busy.  He said that they have many things scheduled each day.  If there is a spot where nothing is scheduled they go streeting....street contacting, I think.  He will be involved in his first baptism this coming Sunday, Feb. 23.  He was able to help teach the man a lesson on his first day in Nihon.  He said it is amazing to see the excitement in his face to become a member of the church.  They have 15 investigators that they are teaching right now. The sisters are teaching 24!  Steven also teaches English in a class they have at the church each week. He purchased his bike and is very happy with it.  He says the drivers there are so much nicer than the drivers in the states.  He says that they are very careful of bikers and pedestrians.  They don't even have to lock up their bikes, but they do because that is the mission rules.  He is loving every minute of his mission!  

Saturday, February 8, 2014


Williams Choro corrected me.....Kyoo is not snow......yuki is snow!  We are learning a lot from his letters and emails.  It is amazing at what he has learned at the MTC in such a short time.  What a testimony it is that this work is indeed the Lord's Work!!  

Only 48 hours until he leaves for Japan and gets to call home!.....but who's counting?!?  You are right!  MOM IS!!!

Therefore, if ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work;

For behold the field is white already to harvest; and lo, he that thrusteth in his sickle with his might, the same layeth up in store that he perisheth not, but bringeth salvation to his soul;

And faith, hope, charity and love, with an eye single to the glory of God, qualify him for the work.
 (D&C 4:3-5)

Time to go to work, Williams Choro!  We love you!  

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Nihon get ready for Williams Choro!

Steven says that they are beginning to pack for their 24 hour trip to Nihon Nagoya.  They are all so very excited.  You can feel all the missionaries spirits in Steven's little camera videos and the excitement in their emails.  They received their name tags written in katakana.  He was thrilled to receive that.  It is a sign that departure is near.  He can't wait to meet the people there.  He leaves Monday February 10 and will arrive in Nagoya Japan on February 12.  He gets to call home during one of his lay overs.  We are excited about that.  He says that it still feels unreal, but he is loving every minute of it.  It is still snowing in Provo and he sure loves that.  Kyoo is the word for snow in Nihongo.  Steven had a hard time remembering the word "snow" in Eigo.  He is happy. He shared one thing with us this week....he said, "I smile and I cry here at the MTC.  I say cry because I feel the Spirit often and every time I feel it, it brings tears to my eyes.  It is wonderful!"  He didn't say "awesome". My little boy is growing up!!